Monday, October 6, 2014

About The City Girl's life!
Welcome to The City Girl's Life Blog! City Girl's Life is a informational blog for women that was created to make life more fun and beautiful living in the big city. Living in the big city can get challenging! I had to learn a lot of what I know through trial and error and I want to share what I've discovered with you. I'm not saying I know everything because I don't. We're here to inform each other. In this blog I discuss everything because being a City girl you have to know a little something something about everything. You have to have style, beauty, intelligence and most of all faith. Faith in love! With so much going on in the world. We need friends to help us sort out the BS.  The City Girl's life blog is like a friend. Everything in this blog is from my perspective (Sherrima). I hope you find this blog not only informative but entertaining. 

The new City girl is confident and bold. No more wearing a mask. We are discovering who we truly are and not afraid to express it!

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